The cleanse

Taking a few days each season to give the body a tune-up is an incredible tool for improving and maintaining your health.

The suggested cleanse is a 10 day whole-food diet. Sticking to simple whole foods offers the body a chance to rid itself of accumulated toxins and waste. This helps reduce inflammation, which is often behind a slew of health challenges.

What’s on the menu? So many yummy foods!! The list is truly endless and full of colorful, satisfying, delicious meals. The focus will be on an unprocessed, veggie-centered diet, getting tuned into hydration, and moving your body in a way that feels wonderful for you.

What’s off? The usual suspects when it comes to inflammation and congestion in the body… Sweets, meat, wheat, dairy, alcohol and processed foods. You will decide what works for you, there may be tweaks for your personal cleanse that will make it perfect.

For a majority of people, simply refraining from these food groups proves tremendously beneficial. Common experiences include increased energy, improved bowel movements, decreased inflammation in muscles and joints, deeper sleep, weight loss and a generally enhanced sense of well-being.

In addition to the diet, enhancing your tune-up with extra love for the body and mind is a wonderful gift!

Finding ways to move and care for your body every day during the cleanse will be such a treat.

Our area has an amazing collection of practitioners offering resources for yoga, bodywork, float experiences and holistic medicine. These are loving community resources to help you meet new friends and really enjoy this time.

We will also be sending some suggestions for meditation and journaling practices to help release old patterns and record inspirations for the coming season. Breaking routine creates fertile ground for creativity and change. This level of inspiration is a common, but less well-known side effect of cleansing.

Your Guide

Jennifer Meta Crane is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, licensed acupuncturist, nationally certified herbalist, and holistic health expert.

In addition to working with TCM, she has spent over two decades intensively studying several lineages of yoga, Ayurveda, energy work, astrology and indigenous medicine. All of these modalities and experiences inform her clinical practice. 

Jennifer began practicing in the Hudson Valley in 2016, spending several years working as associate practitioner and teaching assistant at Uprooting Lyme, a clinic specializing in the holistic treatment of chronic Lyme disease and multi-disciplinary practitioner training program. 

 She has offered thousands of treatments to patients with very complicated and often debilitating presentations, such as severe digestive dysbiosis, nervous system imbalance, endocrine dysfunction, severe anxiety and depression. Solutions to such conditions require careful understanding of both personal and medical history.

Herbs, supplements and acupuncture are powerful allies, but to change a deeply embedded disorder, the foundation of health and wellbeing must be evaluated. This means looking at how a person moves in the world. Thought patterns, dietary rhythms, hydration, sleep quality, how social systems either support or hinder progress, and even the breath, all inform the delicate art of finding balance. This is truly holistic medicine. 

The next step is to focus on ways to prevent these types of illnesses before they start. When it comes to cultivating health and radiance, nothing is more powerful than fine-tuning the diet and movements of the body and mind. 

The Mission

Community on a Cleanse is a community service project with the goal of cultivating radiant wellness for our community. By working in cooperation with local health oriented businesses, we envision a web of support that empowers people to take charge of their own health. 

The hope is to make a difference in the lives of people in our community by offering education around seasonal cleansing, movement, and truly using food as medicine.