Get clear on your plan… We start tomorrow!

Are you ready? I’m so ready…bring on the good food and fresh start!

My suggestion for today is to get crystal clear for yourself about the diet that you are committing to, as well as daily exercise goals and any other practices you are planning to incorporate during this 10 day cleanse.

I firmly believe that solidifying the will and sticking with our intentions exercises an important but often overlooked aspect of our well being. Becoming firm in this way develops self trust and integrity in our lives. So decide now, and you won’t have much trouble when the wishy washy feelings come somewhere along the way…and those voices will certainly show up at some point along this journey!

Check out the FAQ for details regarding the recommended diet and please use the comments section if you have any questions as we get started.

Yesterday we contemplated the “Why” of this cleanse and today is about the details of “What” you are doing.

Are you committing to eliminating all of the “usual suspects”? (wheat, meat, sweets, dairy, processed foods and alcohol) Are you eliminating anything else? Adding anything?

What are your daily goals for movement? Everything counts, could be a short walk, 20 jumping jacks, a few sun salutations or a morning dance party. Committing to something even 3 minutes a day is a win if that’s new for you. Just choose something you will be able to follow through on… you can always build on that!

What else? Meditation? Daily journaling? Space clearing? Taking a break from an outdated habit or implementing something new?

Whatever you feel called to do, make the decision clearly and stick with it. You are doing a great thing for yourself.

Please comment below with your thoughts, ideas and questions :)


Why are you doing this?


Weekend Prep