
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend…. We are now in the home stretch!  Just a few more days and the goal will be complete. 

Congratulations to you for having the determination and willpower to complete this challenge! Harnessing the appetite is no small feat. 

Fortification of the will is one of the greatest gifts of a cleansing practice. When we practice following through on our word we gain tremendous power. We know we can trust ourselves. This bolsters determination and strength as we move through challenges and opportunities for growth in our lives.  

And those little moments when we cheat or slip? It happens to the best of us. These are important moments to forgive ourselves, to not give up and keep going with the vision :)

The truth is there are no rules, and every tiny good thing you do for yourself is a sweet gift. Keep doing your best every day. You don’t have to be perfect. Integrity is built by continuing to try, and try again to follow through to the best of your ability.

There are just a few days to go… keep up the good work!

My question for today is, what are your intentions when we get to the finish line on Friday? I’ll be curious to hear what you’re most looking forward to, as well as what helpful pieces you might hold on to as part of your fall routine…

Try to relish a bit in this last stretch and notice all the nice things happening in your body and life.

Feel free to share your gains and challenges in the comments section below.


Got gut (or other health) issues? Why going organic may help…


Poop talk 💩