Welcome to the Spring Cleanse!
Taking the time and making the effort to cleanse is a huge gift to yourself and a big investment in your future well being.
The suggested cleanse is a 10 day whole food diet. Sticking to simple whole foods offers the body a chance to rid itself of accumulated toxins and waste. This helps reduce inflammation, which is often behind a slew of health challenges.
What’s on the menu? So many yummy foods!! The list is truly endless and full of colorful, satisfying, delicious meals. The focus will be on an unprocessed, veggie-centered diet, getting tuned into hydration, and moving your body in a way that feels wonderful for you.
What’s off? The usual suspects when it comes to inflammation and congestion in the body… Sweets, meat, wheat, dairy, alcohol and processed foods.
For a majority of my patients, simply refraining from these six food groups proves tremendously beneficial. Common experiences include increased energy, improved bowel movements, deeper sleep, weight loss and a generally enhanced sense of well being.
Remember, this is YOUR cleanse! If there is something on the list that doesn’t feel good to let go of at the moment, then don’t! It’s completely up to you. Follow even a few of the guidelines, and you will be doing a really great thing for your body and mind.
Maybe you have a few other specific foods or habits that you know would be beneficial for you to take a break from for a bit? Take those things off the menu too, and see what you notice…
The first step is to take a look at the “usual suspects”. How much will removing these change your daily diet? I know some participants have already found it helpful to cut a few of these foods and are probably excited to go a little deeper. For others, it might sound like a huge chunk of your daily diet and plenty to change.
Sit with it. Think about what feels manageable to do for 10 days. Remember, this is about you.
Get clear on what you will commit to. Be honest with what can work for you at this time, and what your body needs. Write it down and really dedicate yourself to sticking with these intentions.