All right, so what are we eating? 

Mostly vegetables! Follow the 80/20 rule and you’ll be doing great. Each meal should be 80% vegetables with a little something else on the side… 20% could be beans, legumes, nuts, or even a whole grain. Fruits can be eaten, but they digest best on their own and make good stand alone snacks. Cold pressed oils, like organic olive oil or coconut oil are totally on the menu and can be used to make beautiful dressings and sauces to make your meals very satisfying. 

What counts as dairy? 

I strongly recommend staying away from dairy and dairy-like foods. This includes milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir and butter. I also recommend avoiding vegan cheese and alternative yogurts. They are probably better for most people than cow dairy, but still a little congesting and often highly processed. One exception to this is nut milks. If you make them at home or find one with minimal ingredients, these can be okay. 

What counts as processed? 

Now that’s a great question! If you would like to go 100% in on this, shop exclusively from the produce and bulk department of your favorite health food store.  If you need a little more flexibility, things like canned beans and already made vegetable stock is okay, ideally organic and definitely without any weird preservatives. As a general rule, foods that only have ingredients that are themselves foods (not chemicals or extracts) are a good way to go.

Are eggs on?

Mmmmm….maybe? If you know your body loves eggs and you would like an extra source of protein, yes. However, eggs are also on the short list of common allergens that cause inflammation for many people. If you think this might be true for you, think about passing. Also, organically fed chickens make healthier, less irritating eggs. Those pesky pesticide residues compound in animal foods.

Corn? Soy?

Along with wheat, these staple foods have suddenly found themselves on the short list for allergens.  It seems like genetic modification and pesticides have played a role in turning these ancestral staple foods into something difficult for many bodies to digest. If you feed those modified grains to the chickens, does it makes the eggs more likely to cause inflammation as well? Maybe. In any case, you may very well benefit from eliminating or reducing these foods. If you choose to include them, I highly recommend always making sure they are organic, which means non-GMO and without chemical pesticides. 

What about condiments?

Look closely at the label. Many delicious condiments have a lot of sugar and often a slew of preservatives. Herbs and spices are totally fine, salt and pepper too. Cold pressed oils, tahini, nut butters, citrus juice, and simple vinegars are all okay. Be careful with store bought salad dressings. Check those labels and see what you find!

Can I eat oats? 

Yes, in small amounts whole grains are a good balance to all the vegetables. Be careful not to do giant amounts, but having a little to ground and balance can be helpful. Remember the 80/20 rule and you’ll be good.

What about the “whites”?

White rice, white potatoes… these spike blood sugar more quickly than whole grains. I’d put these lower on your list. 

Can I take my medications and supplements?

Yes. Continue with any prescriptions unless you specifically talk to your doctor about a change. Cleansing and healthy eating is a wonderful way to get off of many ongoing medications, but this needs to be done slowly and with the oversight of your doctor. Herbs and supplements are up to you, although tailoring these to the current season is a good thing to speak about with your holistic healthcare advisor. 

What about drinks? Can I have coffee?

It's your cleanse! A little coffee during the cleanse is okay. Moderation is key. As always, try to source high quality organic beans; much of the bad rap coffee has received is because of pesticides and molds, which end up on a huge percentage of low quality beans. If you are questioning coffee for you body or mind, it could be a good time to do a little trial separation and see what you notice.

Your number one drink should be water!

The best you can find! If you can find local spring … what a treat! Sip a cup of warm water every hour or two to keep the detox pathways open and flowing. In the morning a glass of warm water with a big squeeze of lemon is the perfect way to start the day. 

Have any other questions? Leave a comment below. I love hearing from you guys :)

Happy cleansing, everyone!


Welcome to the Spring Cleanse!